Friday 27 November 2009

Similar Media Works

For the kingfords production team to gain more knowledge of the horror genre, we put together a similiar media works powerpoint. We had to a lot of research into the horror genre in order to do this used books and other sources from the internet to get a wider range of information. The powerpoint took a lot of time and work for us to complete, so as a group we had to manage our time well. In order to do this we decided that we should divide the seperate slides of the powerpoint between us so that we could all be working on it at the same time.

We split the amount of work between each member of the group as evenly and fairly as we could, so that each member of the group was able to show what they have to contribute to the presentation. This is how we divided the work load between the group:

India Gothard: India completed two slides on evaluating four other films of the horror genre, these included: The Blair Witch Project, Saw II, Jeepers Creepers and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. She also did a slide on the target audiences of horror films and a fourth slide on the analyse of the opening scene of The Grudge.

Stephanie Hadlow: Steph completed a slide on the genre and sub-gere of our film. She also did a slide looking into the history of horror and how it has developed and changed over the last 60 years. Another slide that steph did was on the types of storylines that are used in horror films. The fourth slide that she did was the analyse of The Lost Boys opening scene.

James Garrod: James completed a slide on the common settings that are used throughtout the horror genre. He also completed a slide on the types of technical codes used in horror films, such as camera angles, lighting and transistions. James also did the analyse of the opening scene of Halloween.

Tom Le Gresley: Tom did a slide on the types of characters that appear in horror films and this included several examples. He also did a slide on the generic signifiers and symbols that are commonly associated with the horror genre. Tom also completed a slide on the analyse of the opening scene of Hannibal.

On our similar media works presentation we have cleary stated on the bottom right corner of the page who completed the slide, we did this so it is clear to see who has done what and it shows how the work has been divided between the group.

India Gothard 4156

Thursday 26 November 2009

Film Brief

Film Brief

The purpose of our piece is to create the opening two minutes of a horror film. This gives us a chance to demonstrate how well we know the media terms, different camera angles, and horror conventions.
We chose the horror genre because it is very adaptable, and has lots of sub genres. Horror films can be used with limited resources and still have a wide range of affects on the audience. We can use many samples of horror conventions, such as blood, death and supernatural activity in order to create effective opening scene to our horror film.
The film is about a man who was bullied at school and is now getting revenge on the people who bullied him 15 years ago. The killer works in a garage and keeps a yearbook of his entire year group close to him. He pinpoints the people who made his school life difficult for him and decides to kill them all off. There is a news report that broadcasts the story of all these disappearances, but they are only linked by the fact they were all in the same year group at the same school. The killer sees the news report and we have a flashback to the days when he was bullied. The story then moves on to the police investigation behind all the disappearances. As the police feel they are getting closer to a prime suspect, more people are killed. The killer leaves a mark on each of his victims showing why he was bullied. The officer in charge of the case goes to the garage to interview the killer about the people who had disappeared. The officer discovers the yearbook of his year group at the school, as he was also a member of that school. He sees the pictures crossed out and finds that he has found the killer. In the end the officer returns to the garage to arrest the killer. As the officer enters, the killer is hanging in the garage dead with multiple wounds. The final shot is of a hand crossing off the killers’ picture on the yearbook.
In the opening of our film we begin with an establishing shot of the yearbook, we then zoom in on the killers’ picture on the yearbook. The camera then pans across the other classmates and zooms in on one particular picture. The camera then zooms in on the eyes of the picture, the shot then cuts straight to the person’s eyes as they are dead. The camera then slightly moves out to see the face of the victim. The shot then cuts back to the picture being crossed out by a red marker. Our protagonist then travels to a pub to meet a woman, we have a wide shot of the pair leaving the pub. We then cut back to the protagonists’ van pulling up at the garage and him taking out a black sack from the rear of the van. The shot then cuts to the woman’s picture being crossed out. We then have a news report outside the school expressing the disappearances of former students at the school. There then is an over the shoulder shot of our protagonist watching the news report as the camera gradually zooms in on the television. Our title will then appear on screen to end our opening of the film.
The purpose of the opening to our film is to get the audience involved with the movie straight away, and make them want to know who the killer is and what these people have done to him in order for them to be killed. We feel by using many horror conventions effectively in our opening scene will create a disturbing atmosphere within the audience in the opening two minutes. The techniques that we used and the methods of our filming have all been chosen in order to fixate are audience on the opening of our horror film. The opening of our horror film tells its own short story and that makes the audience want to watch the rest of the film.

For the opening of our horror film we are going to design a range of logos for the kingsford production team that will come up at the opening of the film, we also desging titles to come up during the opening of our horror, the titles will show the name of the film and the names of the characters this makes the film look all the more professional.
Our opening creates many questions for the audience, such as, why is he killing former classmates? What have these people done in order to be killed? And mainly what is going to happen if the protagonist is found out about his murderous activity?
In conclusion we will be taking into account all conventions of horror when creating our horror


-Tom Legresley
-Edited by India Gothard 4156

Friday 20 November 2009

Saw Remake

Horror Re-make

Our group decided to do a re-make of saw one’s opening scene, the famous 2004 horror directed by James Wan. We choose to do this film because it is good practice for when we create, shoot and director our own film. The opening scene of Saw 1 uses a wide range of camera angles and lightening techniques so it was a challenge to film and edit but it all helps to prepare us for the making of our own film.

We were given a variety of films to choose from in which to re-make, and we chose saw as we feel that it was the most similar to our own film, as they both have the sub genre gore. We are glad that we chose to do saw because we are now very familiar with the use of different shots and camera angles that are used in horrors and this knowledge can all be used to make our own film the best it can be.

India Gothard 4156

Friday 13 November 2009

Gantt Chart

Tjsi Start Gantt

-India Gothard

Group initial idea's

As a group we have built up all of our individual idea’s and interlinked them together, for the past three lessons we have managed to combine all of our own idea’s ,and successfully managed to develop them as one big group idea. Developing our initial ideas has helped us as a group discuss and express how we feel we are progressing with the production of the film, we also started to discuss our ideas about our film as a whole, film names, production names, the narrative and the target audience.

We have used several different methods to show our initial ideas such as a bullet point narrative, story board and a mind map; all three of these methods have helped us in different ways to develop our final production. Planning a narrative was one of the very first things we did as a group, this is because we needed a narrative to create a story board to show the story line from beginning to end. We also each made a spider diagram and then shared ideas, to produce a basic outline of our final idea for the film. We thought about other horror films that could influence us and give us motivation for our filming. Our main film that we have chosen to influence us is ‘jeeper’s creepers’ this is because our sub title is going to be gore and we all felt that this film supports our sub genre well.

After gathering several thoughts together we knew that we had to get them all down on paper to then create a story board, we are now going to be creating a gant chart and focusing on our storyboard for the group so we know who was doing what including dates and times, to make sure this is fair. Also as a group we came up with several intial ideas for film names such as:
  • Lesson Learnt
  • Body Shop
  • Death Report
  • Flashback

We feel this names are all appropriate for our film as the all fit in with the story line well, as a group we have also been discussing team names and we came up with the name KingsFord productions as it means something to the entire group.

- Stephanie Hadlow 4162